Session One – Shaping our Territory

Sketch Innovation.

Special guest Stephan Farthing – Watch! this is a Lecture by Professor Stephen Farthing for the Sketch Innovation ToP (Territories of Practice) at Chelsea College of Arts 2014. Film by Peter Maloney October 2014.

Throughout the first sketch innovation session i began to learn the expectations for this chosen territory. The questions and answers asked has allowed me to understand what ‘we’ as a group expected from this course and what is actually to come…

After listening to Professor Stephen Farthing talk about his journey in the exploration of drawing a drawing, i now feel that my understanding of what drawing actually is/can be has changed dramatically. I always believed that my acknowledgment of drawing and practice of it was fairly diverse and investigative however, Professor Stephen Farthing has opened my eyes wider into seeing drawing almost everywhere. I especially liked the way he talked about  unexpected drawn marks such as the vapour trail from a plane, car marks on a road and slime left from a snail. These messages pull the stereotypical translation of drawing away from that of which we all commonly think we know i.e. landscapes and portraits, we now have a whole new way of recording drawing.

Professor Stephen Farthings project on ‘Drawing of Drawing’ was really great to see, for me especially as his subject of choice really intrigued me into wanting him to succeed in his research which i believe he did.

Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 12.19.08This is a screen shot of his most recent ‘Drawing of Drawing’ All of the elements of drawing research has   accumulated to this… Landscape, mapping, diagrams, technical. (theses are just a few of his key definitions).

It is amazing to see the work of Professor Stephen Farthing, his representation of the possibilities within drawing gives a new visual and literal acceleration towards the direction of expanding ‘what drawing is or can be’ more. I truly recommend this youtube video named ‘Drawing Drawing’ it has enabled me to see drawing in new lights, other contexts and varied forms around me.

After only one session, i am excited about learning more on bookbinding, the usages of sketchbooks learning about the ways fellow students used sketchbooks, and finally practising and innovating sketch!


Notes to self!

What is a sketchbook? I believe a sketchbook is a blank document that i destined to be filled with personal expression. Memories, Drawings, Marks that quickly represent something, numbers, calculations, shapes, directions, colours, figures, outlines, objects, photographs, samples… (anything thats holds a memory quickly or form.)

What is sketching? Sketching is a quick response in a mark making form that symbolises what is there in front of you! or What is in your mind! or even what is described to you! THE POINT OF A SKETCH IS A QUICK FEW SURFACE MARKS THAT SYMBOLISE SOMETHING!  

What is innovation? Innovation is experiments, thinking outside of the box, Building up on new ideas, being actively challenged, being mindfully unmindful….

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